Pleasure Experience at The Cooking Day
Started from the idea of giving the opportunity to our international students who might be missed his/her home country, International Office has held the “Cooking Day”. The Cooking Day on April 1st 2015 was organized by International Office (IO) in collaboration with International Office Buddy Club (IOBC) presented International Students of Telkom University special menus that represent […]
International Office presents: International Cooking Day on April 1st, 2015
Cooking Day is an event organized by International Office (IO) in collaboration with International Office Buddy Club (IOBC) present International Students of Telkom University special menus that represent their country. Delightful foods all over the world are well served in this event. All staffs, lecturers, and students of Telkom University are invited to join this event and […]
lpdp Scholarship for National Students
Beasiswa Magister dan Doktor 1. Overview Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI) Program Magister dan Doktor adalah program beasiswa yang dibiayai oleh pemerintah Indonesia melalui pemanfaatan Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Nasional (DPPN) dan dikelola oleh LPDP untuk pembiayaan studi lanjut pada program magister atau program doktor di perguruan tinggi di dalam dan di luar negeri. Beasiswa ini […]
Exhibition Grant from DIKTI to IO Tel-U (IHEE 2014)
With regard to the activities of the Conference and Exhibition offers International Education European Association for International Education (EAIE) in 2014, which will be held in the Prague Congress Centre, Prague – Czech Republic on 17-19 September 2014 and the Indonesian Higher Education Expo (IHEE) 2014 to be held in Egypt on 17-21 September 2014, […]
Edutrip Road to South Korea and Jeju Island September 2014
Itinerary: Registration Berikut adalah ketentuan pembayaran Edutrip road to Korea via credit: 1. Anggota Civitas Akademik Telkom University (mahasiswa, pegawai atau dosen). 2. Mengisi formulir yang disediakan. 3. Menandatangani surat persetujuan tentang hak dan kewajiban untuk pembayaran secara cicilan. ** Untuk Mahasiswa Tel-U: 1. Pembayaran awalnya (DP) sebesar USD 600 cash, kemudian sisanya dapat […]
Study at France for Indonesian (IFI-Campus France Indonesia)
Dear our Indonesian students, Here are some information abaout study at France, hope this will help you who really want to study at France. Telkom University has Warung Prancis at Rectorate (Learning Center building 4th floor) as the representative of IFI-Campus France Indonesia. IFI-Campus France Indonesia adalah badan nasional pendidikan tinggi Prancis dibawah kedutaan […]
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On the other hand we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized.