HIWS PROGRAM 2023 (Hanyang International Winter School)
HIWS PROGRAM 2023 (Hanyang International Winter School). Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea greets and welcomes Telkom University students to join and participate actively in 2023 Hanyang International Winter School Program (HIWS Program 2023). This program has two types, which are a short course program of a two-week stay with Hanyang in winter and Internship Program. […]
Data Mining on Business, OJC TelU & UTP
Data Mining on Business is a new method that can be used by some corporations to learn about their target customers’ needs and interests. The topic of the online joint class between Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia, held on Friday, July 7th, 2023, is Data Mining on Business. This latest collaboration has […]
THESIS PRIZE: THE INDONESIA NETHERLANDS THESIS PRIZE 2023. TelUtizen, have you written an interesting Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis? If yes, apply and participate in the Thesis Prize of the Indonesia Netherlands thesis Prize 2023. The Indonesia Nederland Society, in close collaboration with our partners PPI Belanda, Nuffic Southeast Asia, and Garuda Indonesia, is pleased to […]
Future Marketing Strategy, OJC TelU and UTP
Future Marketing Strategy or Eye on the Future Marketing Strategy is a topic of Online Joint Class Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia held on June 23rd, 2023. Actually, this week was a pleasant one since we started another collaboration in holding an Online Joint Class (OJC). This time, Telkom University collaborates with […]
UTHM PHYSICAL PROGRAM 2023. UTHM Physical Program 2023 is now open for Telkom University students. The Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia is now calling for Telkom University Undergraduate students to participate in the Physical Academic Mobility Exchange. Enjoy and experience a new atmosphere of studying academically and interactively by joining the UTHM […]
Artificial Intelligence in Business, OJC TelU & MMU
Artificial Intelligence in Business, OJC TelU & MMU. Before going deeper on the use of Artificial Intelligence in Business, let’s see the definition of AI accessed from https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9402-artificial-intelligence-business-trends.html; Artificial intelligence is a general phrase that describes any kind of computer software that performs human-like tasks including planning, problem-solving, and learning. Using the term “artificial intelligence” […]
Joint Class TelU, UKM, and UiTM: New Insight, More Skills Unlocked!
Joint Class Programs unlock new horizons. Today (14/06/2023) Telkom University (TelU) holds three Online Joint Class Programs in a row. Today’s Online Joint Class is a collaborative program between Telkom University, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The 1st Online Joint Class is the Joint Class between TelU and UiTM which was […]
USM SUMMER PROGRAM 2023. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) opens the opportunity for Telkom University students who want to join USM Summer Program 2023: “Tropical Data Science School”. Enjoy and spend your time in a top sustainability-led university after being placed at number 4 in the recent Times Higher Education (THE-GIR) 2022 global sustainability rankings. Moreover, […]