
2 credits

This course is given to students who have a characteristic form of religiosity through the deepening of the meaning of religion and religious life.

Hopefully, after following this course, students can understand and operate the business in accordance with the rules of their respective religions.


  1. Islamic religion:

The course of Islam contains about:

1) UnderstandingIslam completely and thoroughly. Besides discussing about Tawheed, the course material is also discussed about the rules governing the relationship between man and God (hablumminallah), the relationship between man and man (habluminannaas), and man’s relationship with nature,

2) Fostering awareness of students to carry out their obligations to God and duty to self, community, nation, and state, and

3) The view of Islam about harmony and balance between lifestyle and ukhrowi.


  1. Christianity:

Christianity courses are given to help students who are Christians to be able to grow and establish themselves as a whole person a new creation in Jesus Christ. The studies in this course include: Fundamentals of Christianity, Understanding of the World and Man, Basic and Effect, and The fulfillment Safety Plan, Faith and Devotion, and Responsibility in the Modern World.


  1. Catholic Religion:

Catholic religion courses strive to increase student understanding of the concept of faithful Catholics in the church, the appreciation about the mystery of the church, the struggle of the duty and obligation of the church. In addition, this material also provides an understanding of the structure of human personality and understanding of just and prosperous society.


  1. Hindu religion:

Hindu given courses to encourage students to deepen Hindu religious and appreciate the steady and strengthen the faith and rely on the service to the Wasa / God Almighty. Given this course, students are expected to be mastered Hindu understanding of the sources and scope of Hindu piety oriented spiritual principles but pragmatic.


  1. Buddhism:

The course is given to students of Buddhism Buddhist understanding and appreciation for and practice of Pancasila, in particular precepts supreme deity. Dharma and Kebatian to strengthen the faith (Soddha) in maintaining the survival of religion, nation, and state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

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