Business AdministrationThis course aims to describe to the students the understanding of Business Administration, which includes Administration theory and business functions. The materials arepresented in this course include: understanding the process of the implementation of cooperation activities in order to achieve the business objectives of the organization.
Highlights include: the notion of Business Administration, Business Administration Positions in the world of science, a pioneer in the Science of Administration, the introduction of business organization, forms of business entities, leadership and decision-making processes, corporate social responsibility, as well as business functions, ie : production management, marketing, finance, human resources, information systems. Students are also equipped to be able to explain about the business environment and the relationship between business and the environment; complexities facing today’s business world; and the direction of the development of science in Business Administration in the rapidly changing world of today.
After following this course, students are expected to have an understanding of the theories and concepts of Business Administration is able to implement the latest and be the ability to make business decisions with attention to business linkages with stakeholders as well as the challenges and dynamics that exist in the business environment.