Competitive Intelligence

4 Credits
DESCRIPTIONThissubjectdiscussesthestrategiesto encourageintellegence and analiticaltechniquewhichcomesfromthemanagement of competitorbehviour in conductnigcompetitiveintelligence. Competitveintelligenceprogramconsists of development of an organizationwhichiswellintegratedformallyornonformallythatcovers as follows: theemergence new trends of development, evolution of industrial structure, and theability to analyzecompetitorbehavior and formúlate and applytheappropriatestratgies&tactics.
LEARNING OBJECTIVESIn learning process in classroom, studentswil be directed to be able to think systematically and comprehensively to sove problems and give solutions in competitive intelligence aspect. Insigt development program can be followed up by competitive dynamics that can be used to improve the speed & quality of decision development.
COMPETENCIESStudents are able to identify basic concept of competitive intelligence, describe the important  foundation in bulding the CI process, indentify the needed value and searched by the customer, choose the appropriate research method to identify competitor’s value chain and competitor’s resources and capabilities, describe the staffs in competitor’s organization and analyze the process of competitor’s alliance and relationship, identify the process of management in CI organization, explain the influence of finance in the field of service business and formulating a strategy to solve the problem.
SUBJECTCI concept, CI environment, Characteristic of CI foundations, CI process, organizational behavior in CI business, steps of decision making, customer perceptions & expectations, levels of successful service, the competitor’s value chain, the competitor’s resources & capabilities, employee role, the concept of leal andf ethical issues, competitor’s alliances & relationship, and triangulation of customer satisfaction.

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