NIHON NO MATSURI 7 with SPECIAL ROADSHOW from JAPAN, OSAKA STUDY ABROAD FAIR 2014 .::| Nihon no Matsuri – FESTIVAL |::. ~ The Adventure of The New Story ~ !! FREE ENTRY !! DATE : 9 & 11 MAY 2014 PLACE : TELKOM CONVENTION HALL, Telkom University, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung With So […]
One Day Outbond Program (The X Day)
Dear Tel-U International Students, Upcoming Gathering / Out bond one day out bond program on Saturday, 3 May 2014 start at 6.30 am 1. Land Rover Bandung-Lembang 2. Off Road 3. Ice Breaking 4. Driving Orienteering Games (DOG) 5. Fun Rafting 6. Hot Spring 7. Land Rover Lembang-Bandung Free for Active Tel-U International students only […]
Fulbright Scholarship AMINEF 2014
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) presents Fulbright Scholarship 1.Tuition fee and books 2.Monthly salary 3.International flight ticket 4.Health insurance Timeline : 15 April 2014: Registration Deadline Juni-Agustus 2014: Interview Agustus/September 2014: Announcement September/Oktober 2014: TOEFL, GRE or GMAT Februari-Juni 2015: Acceptance announcement in America Juli-September 2015: Departure to America FULBRIGHT PROGRAMS […]
Daftar Negara Bebas Visa untuk WNI
Daftar Negara Bebas Visa untuk WNI Date March 26, 2014 9:30 am Leave your thoughts Ezytravelers sudah merencanakan liburan kemana saja untuk tahun ini? Kalau belum dan bingung mau kemana, kenapa tidak coba untuk bepergian ke luar negeri. Bicara mengenai liburan ke luar negeri, sering kali kita cemas soal masalah visa. Hal yang satu ini memang […]
Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (JET Programme 2014)
JET PROGRAMME 2014 1. JET merupakan singkatan dari Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme (Program Pertukaran dan Pengajar Jepang) yaitu sebuah proyek kerja sama 3 kementerian di Jepang, Kementerian Luar Negeri ; Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Olah raga, Sains dan Teknologi; dan Kementerian Urusan Rumah Tangga & Komunikasi dengan organisasi pemerintah lokal untuk menugaskan pemuda dari […]
Gathering Program of All International Office of Universities in Indonesia
International Office of Telkom University organized a gathering program of all international office of universities in Indonesia on February 20, 2014 at Telkom University campus. This event was attended by 40 Universities represented by the faculty members or International Office officers spreading from Sabang until Merauke. The event was opened by a special performance of […]
Edutrip Road to Singapore Malaysia Feb 25-28, 2014
Edutrip is a program organized by International Office of Telkom University to improve the global awareness and competitiveness of Telkom University students and staffs. The name Edutrip has a meaning of Education trip and globalization, therefore the trip accommodates education trip by visiting universities/industries abroad. The first Edutrip organized by International Office was Edutrip road […]