IOSBC Gen 8, Welcome!

IOSBC Gen 8, Welcome!

IOSBC Gen 8, Welcome! The International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) holds a first meet event for its new members on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 which was held online. This year, the member recruitment was different from the previous one; it was conducted online due to the pandemic situation.

The event was attended by Ms. Indah Fajarwati as the Manager of the International Office, accompanied by Ms. Lia Marlia and Ms. Mefty Septiani as Assistant Manager of the International Office as well as IOSBC members. The First Meet event aims to discuss the current situation of IOSBC and the future program plan of IOSBC as well as introduce the new members to IOSBC and IO team.


Dhiya Sundara, a student of the Informatics as well as a member of IOSBC, guided this event as an MC. Ms. Indah Fajarwati, in her speech, officially welcomed the new IOSBC Gen 8 members and expected the new members to get knowledge, experience and international networking by joining IOSBC.

Likewise, the remarks from Ms. Lia Marlia and Ms. Mefty, also sounded expectation on the IOSBC in the future to have a collaboration more with the International Office in various international activities.

To increase bond among IOSBC team as well as International Office staff, fun games were employed. These games were also intended to dilute the atmosphere and create a comfortable atmosphere for Gen 8 members. There were Guessing Who and Guessing Song games. Those games were totally fun as all participants of the event were actively involved.

After the games session ended, Ilham as the Captain, and Jurda as Vice-Captain of IOSBC Gen 7 gave a welcoming speech and gave a brief explanation of what and how the activities in IOSBC took place. Ilham explained that IOSBC activities for now will be more online and hoped that the new members can adjust to the current situation.

Followed by Muti, as a PIC of the hospitality division, explained how the performance and roles of hospitality helping International Office provide good service to international students and lecturers who participated in the international mobility and regular program. Meanwhile, Lala, a PIC of Art and Media, explained that online activities had no effect on the content production. It’s in line with Khansa, as a PIC Art Media Publication Video. She explained that content creation is currently focused on Youtube and Instagram and is likely to expand its realm towards TikTok so that Telkom University, International Office and IOSBC can be recognized by a much wider audience. Continued by Rasyad, a PIC of Copywriting explained that their team usually covers events, such as this event, but in this current situation, they often collaborate with the art and media team for content and script creation.

The last but not least, the event was closed with a group photo session. It hopes that IOSBC can support all TelUtizen and inbound participants to experience the great of Telkom University.(IO)***

iosbc gen 8