International Office Student Buddy Club
We would like to thank you for your participation and dedication on the International Office Student Buddy recruitment process, we sincerely appreciate it.
By the big hand of International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC)
- Dini Salsabila Di Kusumah (Information System)
- Dyah Norma Fahhama (Telecommunication Engineering)
- Fajar Adillah (Interior Design)
- Harris Rifki Muhammad (Telecommunication Engineering)
- Mahardiani Beningrum (Industrial Engineering)
- Nanda Tri Mahar (Communication Science)
- Riyan Widianto (Marketting Management)
- Rizka Sakinah Malano (Interior Design)
- Senna Tedjapurnama (Marketting Management)
- Yuli Setiawan (Business Administration)
Finally, over a hundred candidates who have registered as a new member of IOSBC, here are the chosen buddies to be the member of International Office Student Buddy Club
- Abi Atarita (Business Administration)
- Aisyah Sabrina (Communication Science)
- Andhityas Utami (Informatics Engineering)
- Andika Dzulhaji (ICT Business)
- Bakti Mengana (Informatics Engineering)
- Chandra Gilang Kencana (Informatics Engineering)
- Dean Septiani (Business Administration)
- Deny Faedhurrahman (Visual Communication Design)
- Desca Setyadzikri Fathurrajab (Informatics Engineering)
- Dian Suci Astuti (System Information)
- Faikar Wijanarko (Telecommunication Engineering)
- Hariyanto Djalil (Informatics Engineering)
- Imran Maulana (ICT Business)
- Khalifatul Arif (Visual Communication Design)
- Raditiana Nur Ulima (Industrial Engineering)
- Rayhan Djamal (Communication Science)
- Rida Sartika Djasmine (Visual Communication Design)
- Teguh Ramadhani (Computer Science)
As for those who are not mentioned at this period, you may join again on the next period. Please note that you are still the buddy for everyone :)
“Care, Love, and Share”