Bandung for Asian-African Conference Commemoration 2015
Now, 60 years after first Asian African Conference Bandung Spirit continued to be a solid foundation to nurture better relations among Asian and African Countries and resolve global issue. Indonesia, with many other Asian and African country have one vision which aimed at strengthening multilateralism, achieving economic growth, promoting global peace and security, and pursuing a path of sustainable growth between the two regions.
In Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference and 10th Anniversary of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership (NAASP), the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will host a series of high level events under the theme “Strengthening South-South Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity” in Jakarta and Bandung on April 19-24, 2015. Delegates from 109 Asian and African countries, 16 observer countries, and 25 international organizations are invited to participate in this important event. The forum is aimed to bridge Asian and African nations to stronger partnership and to share experiences in enhancing both regions’ economic development. It is also an opportunity to discuss solutions to overcome common challenges through strengthening South-South Cooperation.
Bandung is ready for Asian African Conference Commemoration 2015, how about you?