Marketing Strategy, the Future
Marketing Strategy, the Future. The Series of Online Joint Class between Telkom University (Tel-U) and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) has reached an end. The last series was held on Friday, 19 March 2021 at 9 AM Indonesian Time or 10 AM Malaysian Time, with the theme “Eye on the Future of Marketing Strategy”. By inviting two great speakers, Dr. Amjad Shamim from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and Indira Rachmawati, PhD as well as Nurafni Rubiyanti, Ph.D. from Telkom University (Tel-U), the class was attended by more than 50 participants.
Dr. Amjad Shamim discussed the Topic on “Looking to the Future of Marketing Strategy”. The marketing strategy refers to the whole business plan to reach the right potential customers and turn them into customers of their product or service. It contains the company’s value proposition, key brand messages, target customer demographic data, and other high-level elements that must be considered in a marketing strategy such as, Marketing Mix, Segmentation, Positioning, Targeting, Customer Requirements, Customers Want and Customer Request.
Marketing in Digital Era
Meanwhile, Indira Rachmawati, Ph.D discussed about “Digital Marketing in the Future of Marketing Strategy”. She explained that all marketing efforts or activities were carried out using electronic or internet devices combined with various marketing strategies and various digital strategies. A media platform that makes it easy for consumers and sellers to communicate with each other online or offline. In the explanation above, she also explained the importance of digital marketing to reach large number of audiences in a cost-effective and measurable way and the ability to interact with the prospects and learn exactly what they are looking for. The ability to reach global markets are as follows
- Digital Marketing can provide definite direction for companies.
- Digital marketing helps us find out our target customers online.
- Digital marketing can save a company budget.
- Digital marketing helps our business to be more dynamic.
The last speaker, Mrs. Nurafni Rubiyanti, Ph.D. discussed topic on “Mobile Marketing”. According to her, mobile marketing is a set of marketing practices that allow organizations or business people to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner via a mobile device or wireless network. In other words, mobile marketing is a marketing system that relies on viewing via mobile (smartphone) using a special application.
It can be concluded that mobile marketing is a part of digital marketing which means mobile marketing is under the “Umbrella” of digital marketing. The biggest difference is that mobile marketing techniques require users to use the internet to carry out their marketing tasks.
This class marks the final of Online Joint Class between Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. However, we are looking forward to have more collaborations in the near future with UTP.(IO)***