End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere

End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere

End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business. End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business. The first target of the first SDG proposed by the Open Working Group (OWG) of Member States is to “eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere” by 2030. (stated in the General Assembly of the United Nations 2015). So end poverty in all it’s forms is very relevant.

Responding to the first goals to end poverty, in 2022 Telkom University International Office is back with its splendid program After Class Talk. Entitled End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business, this event was held on Thursday, 9th of June  2022 at 2 pm via google meet. The End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business event focuses on discussing and sharing ideas to contribute to poverty alleviation through support for local businesses. This End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business event invited Alexander Sibanda (International Student Telkom University from Zimbabwe), Aisulu Zhakupova (International Student Telkom University from Kazakhstan), and Vania Febriyantie (Founder Seni Tani from Indonesia) to share their experience and opinion related to the first SDGs Goal, End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business.

End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere, How to End It

Opening the first interval of End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business, Alex introduced his Alexis Solutions, single-mindedly devoted to providing the most reliable and highest-quality products and services in the realm of IT services in Zimbabwe. Alexis Solutions buys the electronic waste from local people and recycles it into good minerals. His business contributes to creating jobs for his local people.

In the second interval of the End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business event, Vania Febriyantie introduces SENI TANI by turning the vacant land into a productive one is try to end poverty. Seni Tani also concerns the production of healthy food by conventional farming to end poverty. Through a special program called CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), Seni Tani connects the local farmers with local consumers; develops a regional food supply, and initiates a strong local economy.

Closing the End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business event, Aisulu introduced ZHAM Online, an education services. ZHAM online helps local people in Kazakhstan to gain access to proportional foreign language learning so that it can make it easier for them to travel abroad for both education and business. ZHAM online believes education can help a person to have a better life.

The inspirational presentations about End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business  from three speakers lead us to the conclusion that eradicating poverty is not only the task of the government. Our small steps can make this world more livable, today and in the future.

Besides End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere: Encourage and Support Local Business , there are many interesting upcoming events. So…follow our social media for the updates!(IO)***

End Poverty in All Its Forms