Telkom University-Hanbat Collaboration Research
Telkom University-Hanbat Collaboration Research. Telkom University along with Hanbat National University of South Korea and Gamboeng Tea and Quinine Research Center conducts international collaborative research. This research is going to be conducted on July 8th, 2019 until July 12th, 2019 involving 27 students of Telkom University and 8 students of Hanbat National University.
Prasetya Dwi Bowo, a lecturer of School of Electrical Engineering, said that since the beginning of this year, there were 6 (six) topics would be investigated. One of them was conducted in Citarum. “It was water quality monitoring,” he said on Monday, July 8th, 2019 at Tokong Nanas Building Telkom University. Meanwhile, the other five were conducted in Gamboeng. They were clone identification, early warning system, plant population, autonomous car, and Kinetic Quartz. In addition, he explained that those topics being agreed were conducted for several purposes. (1) Clone Identification, is conducted to identify the kinds of tea leaves; (2) Early Warning System, is carried out to predict the weather situation; (3) Plant Population is executed to identify the number of tea that can be planted for certain hectares of land.
The opening ceremony of the Collaborative Research is held on Monday, July 8th, 2019 at 8th floor of Tokong Nanas building, Telkom University. In that occasion, Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, the Vice Rector IV for Research and Student Affairs, confirmed that the collaboration between Telkom University and Hanbat National University has been implemented very well. Some of the collaborations that have been conducted well were student exchange, staff exchange, and joint research.
Furthermore, she stated that through this collaborative research, many results were felt by Indonesian people. She hopes that what Telkom University and Hanbat National University produced from this collaborative research in the development of tea and quinine can also be beneficial for farmers there. Thus, all elements can feel the positive side of the collaboration as well.(IO)***