Cooperation Awards for Telkom University
Cooperation Awards for Telkom University in 2022 from Indonesian Government. The Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) again held the “2022 Diktiristek Award”, including Cooperation Awards at the Grand Ballroom of the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (15/12). Telkom University won 3 Cooperation Awards in the event.
Distiristek Award, including cooperation awards, is a form of appreciation for stakeholders from universities, ministry/agency partners, industry partners, and the media who have actively participated in supporting the implementation of “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” (MBKM) policy, and the achievement of Higher Education Key Performance Indicators (IKU). Telkom University won 3 cooperation awards for the private university subcategory. The 3 cooperation awards including the Gold winner Cooperation Awards for the best Cooperation Report Management, the Gold winner Cooperation Awards for the best industry collaboration, and the Silver winner Cooperation Awards for the best international cooperation.
Cooperation Awards Means for Telkom University
The Cooperation Awards was received directly by the Telkom University Vice Rector for Human Resources, Dr. Henry Christiadi. He said, these Cooperation Awards are the result of Tel-U’s collaboration with all parties, and these Cooperation Awards are the award not only for Tel-U but also for all Tel-U stakeholders.
“Hopefully the cooperation between Telkom University and all parties can provide good results, not only for Tel-U but for the community,” he added.
Last year, Telkom University also received cooperation awards for cooperation management, but only for several categories. This year, Telkom University recorded a new achievement because it won cooperation awards in all categories of cooperation management.
Cooperation Awards that Tel-U has won, is the result of the hard work of all parties and could be proof that Tel-U is very serious in managing cooperation with partners. Through cooperation with many parties, Tel-U hopes to be more beneficial to the world.(IO)***