Welcoming New International Students 2020
Welcoming New International Students 2020. Telkom University as the best private university in Indonesia welcomes more than 6000 new students on Friday (4/9). Not only local students but also international students who are ready to pursue their education at this amazing university. This year, Telkom University international students come from various countries such as the USA, Solomon Islands, Japan, Gambia, and East Timor.
After attending the senate session in the morning, on the same day, the International Office Telkom University also held an online welcoming ceremony for new international students for the academic year 2020-2021. This activity was also attended by the Director of Strategic Partnership and International Office, International Office members as well as International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC).
In this activity, new international students were given information about a brief introduction to the campus, an explanation of campus and international office services as well as about the scholarships. In addition, they are also equipped by the knowledge of cross-cultural understanding, which is important for foreign students to be able to adjust in Indonesia and particularly in the campus environment. They were also introduced to a personal buddy from IOSBC who will assist them while studying at Telkom University.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, this semester all the learning activities are held online. However, this has not discouraged all international students to participating in all learning activities. Saafir, one of the students from the USA revealed that he was very proud to be a Telkom University student and could not wait to be able to attend online and face to face lectures later.
After participating on this activity, these new international students will take part in other welcoming agendas, such as an introduction to campus life which is held by the Academic Affairs directorate. It is expected that by participating in this kind of event, they can get to know more about the Telkom University as well as to ease the, to follow in any academic activities on campus.(IO)***