Live Sharing Session presented by Telkom University International Office. Stay at home is the best choice during the state of corona virus outbreak. But staying at home does not mean doing nothing. There are a lot of positive activities we can do during this state. International Office of Telkom University will carry out Online Sharing Session for academic or non-academic regularly.
The theme of Live Sharing Session will be very variative, from academic theme, to nonacademic theme. In fact, you can request particular theme that you want to discuss by sending us email to this email address: info@io.telkomuniversity.ac.id.
We invite all Telkom University students, alumni, other university students, professionals as well as for those who are interested to join this program are welcomed. We will make sure the participants will get relevant information from expertise and competent speakers. After all, Telkom University is an organization with many resources, especially in the field of engineering, business, and art.
This first Live Sharing Session will be on air on the first week of April 2020, and continue every week, we hope, or at certain times as needed. We hope that this sharing event will be our daily event for international students wherever they are.
This event will be scheduled in three sessions as follows:
Session 1: “Corona Virus and How to Prevent the Spread”, April 2nd, 2020 at 4 PM GMT+7
Session 2: “How to Overcome Corona Anxiety”, April 9th, 2020 at 4 PM GMT+7
Session 3: “Stay Positive During Corona Outbreak”, April 17th, 2020 at 4 PM GMT+7
Session 4: “Ramadan Around the World”, May 14th, 2020 at 4 PM GMT +7
Join us by registering at following link: https://bit.ly/teluonlinesharing.
Documents Required:
- Scan of passport/other ID
All participants that join the sharing session will be granted with e-certificate, and the chance to discuss about current situation or theme with speakers and also international students around the world.
Let’s share what we can do to give strength and motivation to each other, because Sharing is Caring.(IO)***