Telkom University Students Internship in 36 State-Owned Enterprise (SOE)
396 Telkom University Students Receive Opportunity for Certificated Internship in 36 State-Owned Enterprise (SOE)
Jakarta, the Ministry of SOE (BUMN-Badan Usaha Milik Negara) started a program called “SOE for Country”, where Ministry of SOE created a certificated internship program for Indonesian students. A total of 396 Telkom University students had successfully received this opportunity to join this program.
The inauguration of this program will be conducted by the Minister of SOE, Rini Soemarno in Plaza Mandiri, Jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta. As the symbolic, Minister of SOE invited all of the University rectors that have cooperated with them. Which is about 68 SOEs, 25 State and Private Universities, Telkom University is one of them.
Prof. Mochamad Ashari as rector of Telkom University said that through this partnership, we are expecting to be able to fulfill the needs of industry (especially SOEs) of qualified human resources.
“We hope that students of Telkom University who have been officially intern in the SOEs are able to conduct their potential and gain working experience in SOEs. The certification will help them to gain their selling potential in the industry later” said Prof. Mochamad Ashari.
The program has targeted 10,000 interns from various studies. Students will study for 3 semesters in their university, 2 semester in the SOEs and 1 semester to do their final report. Every year, Telkom University graduate around 3000 students. Various ways has been done so that the graduates will have qualities in their field and will fit the industry demands, one of the way to achieve the quality is through this SOE internship. Telkom University currently works on increasing the number of certificated intern students every year. (Pooja/IO)