VSM Tel-U & Universiti Malaya
VSM Tel-U & Universiti Malaya. VSM (Virtual Student Mobility) is a collaborative program between Telkom University, Indonesia and Universiti Malaya, Malaysia to facilitate students in experiencing international mobility virtually. The VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya was attended by 57 participants from two universities. They join in this VSM program to enhance their knowledge, especially in the field of Game Programming and Social Media Analytics. As we know, in this digital era, many people spend their time with their gadgets by playing games and social media. VSM is certainly a great opportunity for game developers to create or develop games both offline and online games. Likewise with social media, to see the trends and the traffics of social media, social media analytics is needed. Thus, for example, business actors can market their products on frequently used social media.
VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya was successfully held on 7-9 December 2021. In this VSM program, besides learning about Game Programming and Social Media Analytic, participants also got the chance to have cultural exchanges session. Representatives of Indonesian and Malaysian students in VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya shared general information about the two countries including culture, cuisine, and interesting places to visit in VSM.
VSM 2021 Class
At the 1st day of the VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya, Madam Mas Idayu Binti Md Sabri shared material on Game Programming covering game definition and game elements. According to Ma’am Idayu presentation in VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya, a game is a type of play activity, conducted in the context of a pretended reality, in which the participants try to achieve at least one arbitrary, nontrivial goal acting in accordance with rules. There are 4 elements in game: Play, Pretending, Goals, and Rules.
Ma’am Idayu in VSM Tel U & Univ Malaya class, assisted students in creating Game Programming using online game programming applications, which is using “scratch”. Ma’am Idayu demonstrated how to make a game from very basic steps so that students can follow the class well. As their project, Ma’am Idayu assigned students to work in group to make game programming and present them at the last day of the program. This VSM Tel U & Univ Malaya class was so much fun, they came up with fun game programming such as Speed Racing Game, Jump Frog, Catch the Mouse, Dino Game, Airplane Game, and Don’t Hit the Spaceship.
At the 2nd day of the VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya, Dr. Warih Maharani, a lecturer at Telkom University, shared material on Social Media Analytic covering Introduction to Social Media Analytic, Basic Concepts of Social Media Analytic, Social Network Analysis, and Sentiment Analysis. Nowadays, there are many various forms of social media:
- Social audio platforms & formats: Clubhouse, Twitter, Spotify
- Video social media platform & formats: Youtube, TikTok, Instagram Stories & Reels, Facebook Watch
- Disappearing content formats” Snapchat, Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, LinkedIn Stories
- Discussion forums: Reddit, Quora, Yahoo! Answer, Epinions
Based on Dr. Warih explanation in VSM Tel U & Univ Malaya class, in term of characteristics of Social Media, it encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested in. It blurs the line between media and audience. Therefore, those big data from social media need to be interpreted if we want to see the traffics and the trends of social media. This interpretation can help marketers for the example, in marketing their products to the right targets. Of course the social media analytics is not that easy. There includes several steps including Machine Learning and Deep Learning process.
This VSM Tel-U & Univ. Malaya surely brings many inputs as well as experience in working on joint projects through a virtual international atmosphere.(IO)***