TIP Community Lab Grand Launching
TIP Community Lab Grand Launching. After successfully holding two series of panel discussion on Indonesia Ecosystem for Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Lab on November 30 and December 8th, 2020, Telkom University held the 3rd series as well as the grand launching of the Telkom University Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Community Lab, the first TIP Lab in South East Asia, on Thursday, December 17th, 2020. This event was attended and witnessed by several VIPs as follows:
- The Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Johnny Gerard Plate
- Director General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology, Dr. Ismail, MT.
- CEO’s/COO’S/Director and responders from GSMA, TIP, Telkomsel, XL, Smartfren, Indosat Ooredo, PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Net-1), AMDOCS, Mavenir, Altiostar, BaiCells Technologies, Comba Telecom, Facebook, and IBM
- Chairman of Telkom Foundation, Sindhu Aryanto
- Rector of Telkom Universty, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya
- Representatives from Telkom Foundation and Telkom University
Before entering the main event, the Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya had the opportunity to deliver a welcoming speech. In his remarks, Prof. Adi expressed his deepest gratitude to all parties for the implementation and creation of the TIP Community Lab, especially to Keminfo, TIP global, GSMA, TIP, Telkomsel for supporting infrastructure and lab facilities. Also XL, Smartfren, Indosat Ooredo, PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Net-1), AMDOCS, Mavenir, Altiostar, BaiCells Technologies, Comba Telecom, Facebook, and TIP task force of Telkom University.
“This is one of Telkom University’s programs to contribute to the success of the “Making Indonesia 4.0” program. We hope that this (TIP Community Lab) will promote Indonesia as a digital pioneer & inclusive in South East Asia and on a global stage, inspire and build a local supply ecosystem to drive TIP connectivity solution and build local talent pool and job market growth,” said Prof. Adi.
TIP Community Lab Accelerate a Better Network Economy
The Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Johnny Gerard Plate in his opening speech explained that Covid-19 has highlighted the critical role of connectivity in our communities and economies as almost all activities transformed into online mode. He emphasized that TIP is accelerating the development and deployment of open, interoperable, disaggregated and standards-based solutions which promise a better network economy the world needs such as the OpenRAN solution, which can help to build a broader, deeper and better network.
After the TIP was officially launched, a panel discussion series 3 entitled “OpenRAN for ICT Business in South East Asia” was held, guided by the Head of Strategic Engagement at GSMA, Kevin Henry. This webinar featured several great speaker from various IT company including GSMA, Telecom Infra Project, Telekomunikasi Seluler, XL Axiata, ASEAN Region at Mavenir, AMDOCS, Smartfren Telecom, PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Net-1), BaiCells Technologies, Altiostar, Indosat Ooredoo, Comba Telecom, Parallel Wireless, APAC Lead-Connectivity Ecosystem Partnership at Facebook, Advanced Intelligent Communications (AICOMS), and etc.
As concluding remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng Khoirul Anwar wrapped up some highlight of a discussion such as follow 1. TIP Lab is a wonderful opportunity for Indonesia, 2. Market increases 75%, 3. Collaboration in TIP to advanced Indonesia, 4. Welcome to Indonesia in Global 10 economy by 2023 with quality networks, 5. All parties are excited for the success of TIP Lab in the future, 6. TIP can be reference for collaboration, 7. Nowdays TIP has collaborated with operator and 29 vendors, 8. Telkomsel provides full support to the latest Technology like OpenRAN for 3T regions.(IO)***