Thank You University of Malaya
Fifteen students of Telkom University had so much fun in learning Data Analysis, Drone Automation, and Games in University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 20-26 October 2019. For about 1 week, they experienced new atmosphere in learning and teaching process. Well, not only knowledge, but also leadership and cross culture understanding were gained through this program. How they adjusted themselves in international lecture atmosphere, cared about each other, and appreciated cultural diversities were also achieved.
Right after attending the opening ceremony, Telkom University delegates were actively involved in lecturing session for about 3 days. On the first day of lecturing session, they learned and practiced on Data Analysis using Tableau and Python, delivered by Dr. Munir. On the next day, they were exposed on Game Development using Scratch, by Dr. Mas Idayu. They were so enthusiast to learn as well as practice to make their own game. On the last day of lecturing session they were introduced to Drone Activation using Drone Blocks by Dr. Asmiza. Some of them find the lecturing topic challenging since it was their first time being exposed and learned about engineering stuff. However it turned out greatly.
Besides learning and teaching process, they were scheduled to have industrial visit to MDEC and MaTic. They were informed about the industry revolution as well as future technology innovation which can support human life. There, they were also informed that people will embrace ICT based life. At the end of the industrial visit, they were showed cultural performances. They also participated in some of the cultural performance.
The joint short course program ended by involving all participants to city tour and final presentation. In the final presentation, they described what they learned during the program through narrative information, games, and video. Mutiara, one of Telkom University delegates found this program exciting. “The activities were fun and very informative since the software used during the lecturing session was user friendly. The hospitality given by University of Malaya was also great. Not forget to mention, the food served were mind-blowingly good”, she said. Watch the video bellow for more of their activities in Malaysia.(IO)***