Collaborative Short Exchange with UTHM
Collaborative Short Exchange with UTHM. Telkom University received 14 students of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) to join the Inbound Program of Collaborative Short Exchange Telkom University & UTHM at Telkom University, Bandung Indonesia. The program is started from October 27th to November 2nd, 2019. They arrived at Telkom University on Sunday, October 27th, 2019, picked and guided by International Office Student Buddy.
The Collaborative Short Exchange Telkom University & UTHM program is firstly started by welcoming all participants in the Opening Ceremony on Monday, October 28th, 2019 which was attended by UTHM’S delegate, Dr. Nurul Hidayah Binti Ab Rahman, the director of Postgraduate and Advance Learning, Dr. Fetty Poerwita Sary, S.S., M.Pd., and Vice Dean of School of Computing for Finance and Human Recourses, Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. Besides, also attended delegates of International Office, International Class Academic Office, and Informatics Engineering Study Program.
Dr. Fetty, in her welcoming speech welcomed all UTHM delegates on behalf of Vice Rector I of Telkom University for Academic Affairs. “Hopefully all UTHM delegates will be happy during this program, and find this program beneficial so all of you get the expected output” She said. She also hope that the collaboration can continue, not only in mobility programs, but also in research, double degree, and etc.
Meanwhile, Dr. Nurul was also happy toward the implementation of this collaboration since it was the first experience of her faculty to conduct the program. She also expressed her gratitude for the warm welcome of Telkom University and sent greetings from the dean and vice dean of UTHM. According to her, this activity is a combination of study, international experience, and it can prepare students as global citizens. During attending this program, it is expected that UTHM students can absorb all the information and experience about the community, local industries, the food, etc. “Bringing home not only academic knowledge, but all that you have observed” her will to her students. She ended her speech by stating her big hope on the next collaboration in many other fields.
After officially being welcomed in the opening ceremony, all participants are scheduled to have a campus tour before being exposed to the main course. Later on, for about 180 minutes which is divided into 4 days, they are going to learn and practice about artificial intelligence including Basic Python, AI Theory, Deep Learning on AI, Library, CNN, and Visualization and Exam. At the end of the program, they will be involved in the closing ceremony and city tour. All UTHM delegates are going back to their home country on Saturday, November 2nd, 2019.(IO)***