Telkom University Ready for ISS
Telkom University Ready for ISS. Telkom University will participate in International Student Summit (ISS) 2019 at Sebelas Maret University-Surakarta, initiated by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education-Indonesia. The ISS 2019 will be held on November 1st-3rd, 2019. The 3-days-event involves three kinds of competition, including Workshop & Batik Contest, Folk Song Contest, Contest of Wits, Story Telling Contest, and Vlogging Contest.
Telkom University will send 3 international students as delegates to participate in the ISS competition. They are Anastasiia Soroka from Ukraine, Chen Mengting from China, and Edino Martin from East Timor. As their interest in the Indonesian Culture, especially batik, Anastasiia and Mengting will be involved in the Workshop and Batik Contest. Luckily, they have practiced to make batik in Telkom University for preparing themselves for the competition. For the Folk Song contest, Edino are ready to reveal his hidden talent in singing by presenting one of the folk songs of Indonesia. To prove their knowledge about Indonesia, Anastasiia and Edino will also participate in Contest of Wits, while Mengting will show her passion in literature through Story Telling Contest. They will compete with other 150 participants in the ISS 2019. It is the second ISS participated by Telkom University. Last two years, Telkom University sent two international students from Tajikistan and Sudan to the ISS 2017.
Besides, they also participate in Vlogging contest in the ISS 2019. They raised the topic on cyber bullying for the vlogging theme. They do aware that cyber bullying nowadays is rife throughout the nations, not only in Indonesia. They see cyber bullying has become a serious threat to us all. Hence, through their vlog, they ask all of us to stop cyber bullying by giving positive comment and encouragement especially in social media. Let’s support them, our delegates to accomplish their mission by watching their vlog on the link bellow. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, and comment. Your small act for better future.(IO)***