Student to Student, a Sharing Session

Student to Student, a Sharing Session

Student to Student, a Sharing Session. Telkom University in collaboration with Telkom Vocational High School, Bandung (SMK Telkom) and Anni’mah Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMP Islam Terpadu Anni’mah) held a sharing session under the topic “English Practice Exam of the Ninth Grade Student “, today, Thursday 1 April 2020. This session aims to provide English language education and practice to students of Telkom Vocational High School, Bandung and Anni’mah Integrated Islamic Junior High School. Today’s event was opened with remarks from MC: Ms. Bara and Mr. Anton from Anni’mah Integrated Islamic Junior High School, followed by remarks by Mr. Aep from SMK Telkom Bandung.

The event continued with a question and answer session with the speaker. The speaker for today session is Bhawya from India who is currently studying at Telkom University. Participants were quite active in this discussion session, although the question might be seen a simple question but at least they try to practice speaking English. The first sharing session started with a question from a student of Telkom Vocational High School Bandung named Rhima. She asked about how long Bhawya has been living in Indonesia. Then continued by Dafina who is also a student of Telkom Vocational High School Bandung with the question about Bhawya’s favorite place to live in Indonesia. Bhawya explained that he had lived for 15 years in Indonesia. She has been in Semarang for 8 years before moving to Bandung. She actually prefers Bandung because in terms of weather and environment.

Student Sharing Session

Next question come from a student of Anni’mah Integrated Islamic Junior High School, Khlila, a ninth grade student, with the question about Bhawya’s favorite food. Bhawya then replied that she really likes Indomie fried noodle because in her home country, India, there is no Instant Noodle as good as Indomie fried noodle in Indonesia. Then followed by Natasha Kamilia from Anni’mah Integrated Islamic Junior High School asking about major that Bhawya takes at Telkom University and reason why Bhawya took that major. In Telkom University, Bhawya is taking ICT business at Shcool of Economics and Business. She took that major because she already liked something related to social science and business during his high school years.

To sum up, the discussion was so fun and relaxed. The students looked very enthusiastic and happy when they could talk with foreigner. This sharing session then was wrapped with a group photo session. This sharing session is not the last one since there will be more upcoming sharing session with other high schools in Indonesia.(IO)***

student to student