Smart City and Digital Villages
Smart City and Digital Villages in West Java will be developed. Ridwan Kamil, the governor of West Java Asked Telkom University to Assist the Government in Developing the Digital Villages in the region.
“In a mission to make West Java a Digital Province of Indonesia, I entrusted that to Telkom University in supporting the government’s mission to transform Indonesia through West Java,” Emil said when describing the topic of “Smart City Applications in Bandung City and Implementation Plans of Smart City in the next 5 year in West Java “at Leaders Talk event Bandung ICT Expo 2018 at the Trans Convention Center, Bandung, Friday (28/09/2018).
Emil also revealed that West Java Province was preparing a Command Center where all Big Data in all West Java Provinces could be managed and analyzed. In this program, the Government of West Java grants 20-30 billion each for each City and Regency.
The application program intended by Emil to make the implementation of performance in West Java Province run more effectively and efficiently. It is proven in the city of Bandung, the utilization of the application of digital smart city brought changes in Bandung City from in terms of accountability value from C to A within 2 years. Making Bandung the only city in Indonesia with an accountability value of A and 80% of the factors due to the use of Digital Governance.
Ridwan Kamil said there are 3 stages in building a good Smart City. First, Smart City 1.0 that digitizes everything in the form of a manual to digital. The second stage, towards Smart City 2.0 an interaction that was built together with the community online or digital and finally the Smart City 3.0 where a city is said to be advanced in all aspects.
“At the moment the position of West Java is still in the Smart City 2.0 development stage, this is the target of West Java Provincial Government both cities and villages to apply it.” He said.
Leader’s Talk is a series of events at Bandung ICT Expo 2018 which is one of the programs from Telkom University which is routinely held once a month which aims to inspire the community through the experience of leaders so that they get knowledge and experience sharing about leadership.