Operational Management for Business Start-Up
Operational Management for Business Start-Up. Telkom University in collaboration with UTeM, UiTM, SIT and CTU jointly hosted the 8th Class of ATU-Net Online Mobility Program in Entrepreneurship entitled “Operational Management for Business Start-Up”.
Operational Management for Business Start-Up event was held on Saturday, 30th October 2021 at 8 am online through zoom meeting. The speaker of Operational Management for Business Start-Up event is a lecturer from Telkom University, Dr. Akhmad Yunani, SE, MT and moderated by Prof. Hiroyuki Ishizaki from Shibaura Institute of Technology. Operational Management for Business Start-Up event was divided into two main sessions, the material explanation and project work.
Operational Management for Business Start-Up 8th Class
This Operational Management for Business Start-Up class covers the four main sub-topics presented by Mr. Akhmad yunani. Within the main topic of Operational Management for Business Start-Up, the four sub-topics include location planning; Process design, sourcing, and layout; Production planning and capacity management; and operation budget. Mr. Akhmad opened the Operational Management for Business Start-Up class by explaining the importance of location planning in a company. In his presentation at the Operational Management for Business Start-Up event, he explained that location planning is critical for all types of business units. This Operational Management for Business Start-Up event introduces that if a company chooses the wrong location, it may not have adequate access to customers, workers, transportation, materials, and so on. As a result, location frequently plays a significant role in a company’s profit and overall success. In the Operational Management for Business Start-Up event, Mr. Akhmad also explained in process design activity, the decision that is taken during the design of a product or service will have an impact on the decision taken during the design of the process which produces those products or services, and vice versa.
The techniques for improving service productivity were also discussed in this Operational Management for Business Start-Up event. The Operational Management for Business Start-Up may include structuring service so customers must go where the service is offered; self-service so customers examine, compare, and evaluate at their own pace; and restricting the offerings. The Operational Management for Business Start-Up event ran smoothly and was full of new information, and after the presentation, the participants were assigned to the breakout room to do the project.
In addition to the Operational Management for Business Start-Up event, the International Office of Telkom University and partner universities have prepared other awesome classes. Stay tuned on our social media for more complete information!(IO)***