Newedge Australia Initiate Collaboration with Tel-U
Newedge Australia Initiate Collaboration with Tel-U. Hi, TelUtizen! Who’s here interested in conducting Student Exchange program or Joint Degree program in Australia? Since last few years, Telkom University has collaborated with some universities in Australia. The collaboration enables students to conduct students exchange program as well as joint/dual degree program. Besides, to promote internationalization, this cooperation allows all Telkom University academia including staff and lecturers to participate in the international outbound program such as staff exchange, joint research, and pursuing master program.
Few days ago, Telkom University received a visit from Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia. This visit aimed to initiate cooperation between Telkom University and the agent in preparing Telkom University academia to conduct international outbound program in Australia. For about 10 (ten) delegates of Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia including Vice Chairman, Indonesia Representative, International Relationship Manager, Head Operational, CEO of Acc and SIS College Sydney, and Australia Immigration Agent were warmly welcomed by Vice Rector IV of Telkom University for Research, Innovation, and Partnership, Dr. Ir. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T.
In that occasion, attended also Director of Higher Education of Telkom Foundation, Dr. Ir. Dwi Heriyanto B., M.T. to give speech and also welcome all delegates of Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia. Indah Fajarwati, the manager of International Office of Telkom University delivered a short presentation on the overview of Telkom University mobility program. This presentation was the bridge of the collaboration possibility between Telkom University and Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia.
Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia, proposed several cooperation possibilities in which Telkom University academia can choose universities partner of Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia. Through this cooperation, Newedge Consultancy Services also offered lower cost to Telkom University academia planning to study in Australia.
So, TelUtizen, this cooperation will add lists of international cooperation owned by Telkom University. By having cooperation with Newedge Consultancy Services, Australia, it is expected that all Telkom University academia can choose various universities in Australia. You guys will be informed about the universities in Australia, cooperated with Newedge Consultancy Services. Also, they will guide you in preparing all application stuff.(IO)***