MOFA Taiwan Fellowship Scholarship
Bandung, Mofa Taiwan Fellowship Scholarship established by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan which works in academic sector. MOFA Taiwan Fellowship (established by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan which works in academic sector) opens an opportunity for foreign experts and scholars who interested in researches related to Taiwan. This research’s covers are mainly about: cross-strait relations, mainland China, Asia-Pacific region and Sinology. This program has been joined by 808 scholars from 74 countries.
For those whose curious about Taiwan, MOFA currently open a registration for the 2018 Taiwan Fellowship, the registration is currently open and will be close by 30 June 2018. The program will start in January 2019 and the terms of fellowship are 3 to 12 months.
This scholarship will cover: monthly grants (different amount according to the type of scholar), one round trip plane ticket, and accident insurance.
The eligible applicants are: foreign professors, associate professors, assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates, or doctoral program students who are related with the study the program related. All of the applicants are from overseas universities.
For further inquiries, you can contact Center for Chinese Studies at National Central Library: http://ccs.ncl.edu.tw/ or you can access the necessary information in: http://taiwanfellowship.ncl.edu.tw/eng/about.aspx