Champion in Information Technology Today 2018
Telkom University Students Became the Champion in Information Technology (IT) Today 2018.
Two teams of Telkom University students manage to win in the 2018 Information Technology (IT) Today competition event held by the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) last September 15-16 2018. The team named Let’s Play and FlyHigh managed to produce a creative idea that made them won the Business Information Technology (IT) Case category.
Let’s Play team consists of three members, namely Rizqi Prima Hariady, Alif Shofa Danutirta, and Thio Fauzi. Alif explained, they succeeded in making a Garbage Bank product that bridged millennial generation and waste banks to increase the absorption of waste processing that they valued was still lacking in the Information Technology (IT) Today competition.
They also argued that the waste bank in Indonesia was still lacking, the solution they offered was to sell the Waste Bank Franchise through an application called Trashchanger.id. This brilliant idea was escorted by a supervisor, Putra Fajar Alam (Owner of a similar application called Smash).
In the Information Technology (IT) Today 2018, the Fly High team members i.e. Johan Sutrisno, Sri Mulyani Richard Muller and Perdana Faishal M. The team was guided by Fat’hah Noor Prawita, ST, MT, developing the application “Nhernak”, an application marketplace as a tool for ornamental sheep farmers to determine prices selling accordingly.
Some of the preparations carried out by the two team included searching valid data from the Department of Environment and Forestry, consulting with seniors who had won similar events, and brainstorming to get more mature ideas.
In this competition, students are required to find Information Technology (IT) solutions to solve business problems in the field of waste and environment. Each team will make a Canvas Model Business, Proposal and Presentation before the judges.
Alif hopes that their achievements can inspire other partners to do the same or better. “The spirit that we started in this team, can be channeled to friends to continue to explore its own potential, and for the institution, we hope, we can contribute more for a good name of the institution in more competitions.”