Global Short Exchange Program
Global Short Exchange Program. Telkom University received 22 exchange students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) on August 6th, 2019. They are going to join Global Short Exchange Program at School of Industrial Engineering – Telkom University starting from August 6th 2019 until August 19th, 2019. During the program, they would also be accompanied by UTHM’s lecturer, Dr. Zamri Bin Noranai in term of academic matter and would be assisted by International Office Student Buddy in their social life to make their study run smoothly.
Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, ST., MEng.Sc, a Vice President of Telkom University for Admission, International Partnership & Career officially welcomed the participants in the Opening Ceremony of Global Short Exchange Program on Wednesday, August 7th, 2019. “There has been a lot of collaboration with UTHM, such as joint research, student and staff exchanges, and now we have short exchange program”, she said in her welcoming speech. At the same year, Telkom University also received industrial training program involving 2 students of UTHM.
In that occasion, Dr. Zamri Bin Noranai also officially handed over the students to join Global Short Exchange Program to Telkom University. “The MoU has been signed since 2015. So it turns out that the collaboration has been conducted for a long time. Keep the good name of UTHM and Malaysia here, and tell your friends and brothers about this program, so it will be continuously”, he said.
This program is reciprocal which means that in the next session, Telkom University student will also join the same program at UTHM. This Global Short Exchange program is the first program conducted in School of Industrial Engineering. Before this, there were student exchange programs conducted in other faculties in Telkom University involving other university partners such as University of Malaya, Saxion, MMU, etc.(IO)***