Five Researchers of Telkom University are Named 500 Best Researchers in Indonesia
Five Researchers of Telkom University are Named 500 Best Researchers in Indonesia. The Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency (Kemenristek/BRIN) was holding the first SINTA Series, where in this event the Ministry of Research and Technology announced the 500 best researchers in Indonesia based on the performance of researchers from 4 indicators. The announcement of the ranking of the best researchers in Indonesia was conducted Live on the Youtube Channel of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN, on Thursday, May 28th, 2020.
There are 4 indicators for evaluating researchers’ performance including: 1) The number of journal articles indexed in Scopus taking into account the journal quartiles where they are published; 2) Number of non-journal articles indexed in Scopus with a total point of 15; 3) Number of citations in Scopus with a total point of of 4.; and 4) Number of citations on Google Scholar and journal articles on Jurnal SINTA.
In the ranking announced directly by the Minister of Research and Technology/BRIN, Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, from the 500 best researchers in Indonesia, Telkom University (Tel-U) sucessfully managed to contribute 5 names, including Prof. Adiwijaya, RD Rohmat Saedudin, MT, Casi Setianingsih, MT, Dr. Muharman Lubis and Dr. Achmad Rizal.
The rector of Telkom University, Prof. Adiwijaya, as one of the best researchers in Indonesia, explained that this achievement was a form of Telkom University’s commitment which is in line with Tel-U’s vision of becoming a research and entrepreneurial university that is beneficial to society and national development.
“Currently, our research development (Tel-U) has received international recognition, demonstrated by the ongoing research matching grant with various universities from Asia and Europe, such as the Netherlands, France, Scotland, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Malaysia “, he said.
Prof. Adiwijaya added that research in Telkom University is not only focused on publications but must lead to innovation so that it can benefit the community. Therefore, Tel-U’s research performance can fit into independent clusters which is in line with the best tertiary institutions in Indonesia.
“We encourage research which leads to innovations that are beneficial to society. Alhamdulillah, during this pandemic, several Tel-U studies have produced several innovations that can be used to overcome the spread of covid-19, such as AUMR Robot, Robot Doctor Representative (DOPER), Disinfecting Chamber, Hand Washing Machine, Masks, Face Shield, etc”, he explained.
The Minister of Research and Technology, Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro asserted that currently the number of publications in Indonesia at the Asian level has been very good in terms of quantity, but the quality needs to be increased.
“The number of our publications in Asia has been very good in terms of quantity, but I hope the quality can also continue to be improved and more importantly it can be produced so that it can be felt by the community”, he said.
From the results of this ranking, Prof. Bambang added that the researchers whose names were included in the ranks of 500 best researchers are expected to be able to motivate colleagues in their institutions to conduct good publications as well. (Purel/Tel-U/IO)***