Welcoming Party 2020
Welcoming Party 2020. Welcoming party is always be an important moment to greet and familiarize everyone. International Office (IO) with International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) Telkom University did not want to miss this essential thing. The event was attended by international students class of January 2020, IO staff and IOSBC members.
There were something unique about this year welcoming party. This event was held on January 26th 2020 in Indoor Field L Building which was close to the Chinese New Year celebration. These celebration day inspired for theme of the event this year. So that dress code and decoration also adjusted to the concept. The event participants wore dress code red or yellow. Then the decorations were enlivened by the accent of lanterns, tree of hope and not forgotten rat-shaped decoration as a 2020 is the Year of the Rat.
We want to continue the tradition of well hosting and warm welcome to all international guest of Telkom University. That is why the event was arranged to involve all the participants invited. There are introduction session, game session, and of course, local food taste session. The best one.
The first game was spelling bee where each group members must spell one by one letter from the word given by the committee. For the next game was touch body game. This game was required that all group members gave the same gesture of given words. Excitement of the participants increased. The third game was charades. That should guess the certain gesture to describe certain words. The fastest group could guess the whole words is the winner. Afterwards was sarung game. This game required that all group members were holding hands and going flow the sarung from the first person to the last person as quickly as possible.
After involved in many games, there was a coffee break session. This moment also familiarized all the participants event each other. The event has not finished yet. There was still guessing song lyrics game which required each group to continue the lyrics of a particular song by shouting their respective group yell first and said the next lyric.
Furthermore, the closing game was a grouping game where all participants were making a big circle an going around the field while enjoying the song . When the song suddenly stopped they had to make a group with the number of members determined by the committee.The event was ended by giving the gifts for the winning groups and for exchange students from their personal buddies. Of course had group photo could not be missed to complete the excitement of the event.
Welcome to Telkom University, we wish you the best time in Bandung, Indonesia, especially in Telkom University.(IO)***