Webinar: Regulation and Policy for Internationalization Programs in Dealing with the New Normal
Webinar: Regulation and Policy for Internationalization Programs in Dealing with the New Normal. International Office of Telkom University, through a webinar titled “Regulation and Policy for Internationalization Programs in Dealing with the New Normal”, tried to answer some confusions happening nowadays regarding the implementation of internationalization program in higher education. Almost all universities experienced some delays in term of internationalization program, due to the current situation of Covid-19 in Indonesia, which forced Indonesian government to limit or even previously ban the mobility access to or out Indonesia. This condition, surely, ready or not, challenges universities to make some collaboration and innovation to overcome the situation without ignoring the health and safety factors.
The webinar on “Regulation and Policy for Internationalization Programs in Dealing with the New Normal” ran smoothly on successfully in Wednesday, June 24th, 2020, and officially commenced by the rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya. The first speaker, Director of Public Diplomacy, Directorate General of Information and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Yusron B. Ambary, delivered material on Internationalization Program of Higher Education in the Covid-19 and New-Normal Pandemic Period in Public Diplomacy Review. He said, Covid-19 pandemic surely changed the map of mobility program and internationalization in universities.
Based on QS survey on March 20th-26th, 2020, there were about 60% of prospective students re-thinking to continue their plan to study abroad due to the impact of Covid-19. 50% of them will postpone their study plan to the next year while 6% of them will cancel their study plan. It means that there’s still a chance for universities to capture prospective international students by adapting the situation to the new normal era.
It will tougher for sure, since some of scholarship program given by Indonesian government, including scholarship for Darmasiswa Scholarship Program and KNB Program are dismissed for this year. However, the main concern of the public diplomacy review is ensuring that the internationalization of foreign student admissions can support the achievement of a positive image for Indonesia.
Meanwhile the second speaker, the Director of Immigration Cooperation, Directorate General of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Rochadi Iman Santoso explained about the immigration rules during Covid-19 pandemic. He said if the emergency period ended, Permenkumham No. 11, year of 2020 will be changed into new Permenkumham which will regulate the followings immigration services:
- Reopening services at Immigration Offices and returning Immigration Procedures as required by applying the Health Protocol and opening services online.
- Before returning to normal immigration procedures, there will be a grace period of 30 to. 60 days so that foreigners can arrange an extension of residence permit or arrange a return plan to the country of origin. At that period, there will no overstay charge.
The third speaker, Adhrial Refaddin, the Institutional Strengthening Sub-Coordinator of Higher Education Education, Directorate General of Institutions, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia employed material on Higher Education Internationalization at the Crossroad. Through his explanation, in this pandemic situation, higher educations are encouraged to 1) Reformation of Internationalization Strategy, and 2) Utilize Internationalization to support the Kampus Merdeka Initiative. These are the priorities of most universities need to prepare:
- Preparing for university-reopening, building resilience and transformation
- Setting up a central platform as an entry to various resources
- Focusing on curating existing content rather than developing new content
- Supporting Academic staff and students to adapt
Through this webinar, all participants are well informed what to do for the internationalization program in this New Normal era.(IO)***