Visit from Dong-A University, South Korea
Visit from Dong-A University, South Korea. Telkom University received a visit from Dong-A University, South Korea on Monday, November 18th, 2019. The main agenda of the visit was to explore cooperation between Telkom University and Dong-A University. Welcomed by vice rector III of Telkom University for Admission and Career Development, Dr.Dida Diah Damajanti, S.T., M.Eng. Sc., the discussion on the possibility of collaboration between two universities ran smoothly. Prof. Dr. Je Dae-Sik, M.Pd, the delegate from Dong-A University proposed double degree program by the concept of 2+2 (two years in Telkom University and two years in Dong-A University). The benefit of double degree program, of course, the students will get two university certificates (Telkom University and Dong-A University) which will be a great value for them in applying for certain jobs in Korean Companies operated in Indonesia.
In that occasion, attended by several delegates from Telkom University including International Office, School of Creative Industry, School of Economy and Business, and School of Computing, Telkom University was basically open for having a cooperation including collaboration in double degree program. However, for the first initiation of the cooperation, Telkom University offered mobility program such as short course program and exchange program as double degree program need further discussion due to language barrier in teaching and learning process.
Prof. Dae-Sik mentioned that almost study programs offered in Dong-A University are delivered in Korean Language, except for Business Administration major. Thus, students must have good Korean proficiency proved by having level 3 (out of 6) of Korean proficiency test before enrolling to Dong-A University. It was recommended to take Korean Language Course prior the regular class for 1-2 years to reach that level. By joining that course, it is expected that students are able to be actively involved in regular class. Besides, the subjects related to art are minor, with a maximum of 3 credits using English, while the rest use Korean. In addition, Prof. Dae-Sik also informed that student visa can be used for working in South Korea.
As for Business Administration, both Telkom University and Dong-A University have international class which use English as language delivery. Telkom University also offers BIPA course for international students willing to learn Indonesian Language. As time goes by, Indonesian language course enthusiasts are getting higher from time to time. Telkom University through Language Center provides BIPA Course for international students to be able to speak with local people.
To confirm the cooperation, Telkom University and Dong-A University agreed to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday in the future.(IO)***