Telkom University Welcomed 7 Darmasiswa Students
Telkom University Welcomed 7 Darmasiswa Students. This year, Telkom University received 7 international students for Darmasiswa Program. They are from China, Ukraine, Tunisia, and Timor Leste. They will join BIPA AKU BISA for 10 months in Language Center of Telkom University.
In the opening ceremony held on Monday, September 2nd, 2019, Ms. Indah Fajarwati, the Manager of International Office, officially handed over all Darmasiswa students to Language Center to learn language, social and culture of Indonesia. In that occasion, also attended Ms Dida Diah Damajanti, the vice rector 3 of Telkom University for Admission and Career Development Center to give welcoming speech as well as to officially open the BIPA program.
“We hope, through this event, you get to know Indonesia better, love Indonesia more, and hopefully you could implement the positive values you get in your life”, Ms. Dida said in her welcoming speech. She also added that they are highly expected to have high motivation to learn Bahasa Indonesia thoroughly, get themselves familiar with the social life and cultures in Indonesia so that they can introduce them to people in their country once they returned.
Having officially welcomed as Darmasiswa students by being applied “Batik”, they were invited to introduce themselves and play Kahoot Game to be brief exposed to Indonesia. They, as well as other international students enrolling regular program who take BIPA course, played the game competitively.
At the end of the opening ceremony, all international students who take BIPA Program joined pre-test of BIPA Course to portray their prior knowledge of Indonesia. The results would be used to put them based on their proficiency on Bahasa Indonesia. For Darmasiswa Program, besides learning Bahasa Indonesia, they will also learn social life and culture of Indonesia through field-trip session.
This year is the 7th Darmasiswa Program for Telkom University. It was an honor for us to be trusted to hold the program since 2013. A number of students experienced learning language, social, and culture of Indonesia. They were exposed to play some traditional instrument, taste traditional dish, and make some traditional craft such as Batik. Some of them, at the end of the program, were interested to continue their study by applying to our regular program. They found studying at Telkom University exciting.(IO)***