Telkom University Students Won the IoT (Internet of Things) Competition
Bandung – In Electrical Engineering Days competition which was held by School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and ITB Electrical Students Association, Telkom University students won the IoT Competition as the 2nd winner.
IoT is a system of physical things embedded with sensors, software, electronics and connectivity to allow it to perform better by exchanging information with other connected devices, the operator or the manufacturer.
Telkom University students was participating in “Internet of Things Challenge (ICC)”and was held on 22nd May – 24th May 2018. Telkom University was presented by Satrya Budi Pratama student of faculty of Informatics (2015), Ibrahim Hasan student of faculty of Physics Engineering (2015) and M. Arif Putra H student of faculty Computer Systems (2017), with topic about Renewable Energy Hybrid Based By IoT and Intelligent System.
Satrya explained that in this ICC participants are given 2 days to apply the system that they will build. “Cooperation is necessary in this competition, at first we doubt that the system will work as we expected and this is the first time the system being made, there were no experiment or tests about this system, and meanwhile the other competitors have been researching so they have experimenting result presentation in front of the jury”, Satrya explained when he was interviewed through an instant messaging application.
ICC was participated by various universities in Indonesia, such as: University of Padjajaran (UNPAD),Higher Education of Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (STMKG), University of Jember, Brawijaya University, University of General Soedirman (UNSOED), Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Telkom University.
“Alhamdulilah we are able to finish the system well and also followed with optimism so we can win the 2nd place. This experience is very valuable for us to increase our cooperation and to boost our skills in making system and application” said Satrya. (Pooja / IO)