Telkom & Dong-A MoU Signing
MoU Signing. Pakuan Building at Oto Iskandardinata Street No. 1, Bandung, was a historical place for Telkom University and Dong-A University as the signing MoU between Telkom University and Dong-A University was conducted there, on Monday, December 9th, 2019. The event also involved the Governor of West Java, His Excellency Ridwan Kamil as the witness of the declaration of the collaboration. Accompanied by several representatives of provincial government including secretary of provincial government, his wife, Atalia Praratya, and Head of Partnership in Government Bureau and Cooperation, Ani Widiani, Ridwan Kamil as the host of Pakuan Building warmly welcomed and facilitated representatives of Telkom University as well as delegates of Dong-A University.
Having a visit a couple weeks ago to Telkom University, Dong-A University, represented by Rector of Dong-A University, Dr. Suk-Jung Han, Office of International Affairs Dean, Yeong Hyeon Hwang, Office of External Affair Dean, Kyu-Hong Hwang, and adviser to President of Dong-A University, Prof. Dr. Je Dae-Sik, M.Pd, agreed to sign the MoU with Telkom University. Along with Dong-A University, Telkom University, represented by rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya, S.Si., M.Si., vice rector III for Admission and Career Development, Dr. Dida Diah Damajanti, S.T.,M.Eng.Sc., and some delegations from International Office and Public Relation, opened and agreed to have some collaboration proposed and discussed earlier in exploring cooperation session.
The MoU contains some collaboration agreed by both parties including 1) Exchange of academic, administrative staff, and researchers, 2) Exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students, 3) Collaborative research projects and training activities, 4) Establishment of joint curricula, 5) Joint Degree and Dual Degree, 6) Exchange of academic materials, publications, and other information, 7) Joint projects of cultural nature, organization of international conferences, workshops, and seminars, and 8) promoting any other co-operation of mutual interest. Currently, the collaboration still focuses on Business Administration study program because both universities have international class delivered in English that is possible to undergo the mobility program. Later on, Dong-A University will send its students to join Engineering Community Service (ECS) at Telkom University.
Pakuan Building, as well known as the official residence of the governor of West Java, was chosen to be the place of signing Mou between Telkom University and Dong-A University due to the involvement of the governor of West Java. Previously (9/11/2019), Ridwan Kamil received a Doctor Honoris Causa title from Public Administration of Dong-A University in Busan, South Korea. Ridwan Kamil hopes that this collaboration can open the investment opportunities from Korea that results in a good impact on economic growth in West Java.(IO)***