Student Buddy Club (IOSBC)
International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) was established under direct supervision of International Office Telkom University in early August 2014. Consisting Telkom University active students who are willing to learn and get priceless experience during their study in Telkom University (Tel-U), IOSBC aims to assist and ensure International students having unforgetable and fruitful experience at Telkom University during their studies as well as assist them to settle in Bandung during their first months.
We are here for you as your buddy and help you to adapt with Indonesian culture as well as academic related matters
We understand that living far away from home country is a challenging yet frightening, that’s why Student Buddy is here for you. They are here for you to adapt with Indonesian culture as well as academic related matters.
- Meet them on your arrival
You are going to meet one of the student buddy upon your arrival in the airport or any other pick up points. Your buddy will assist you to Telkom University.
- Guide you around
No worries for getting lost. Student Buddy will assist you around campus and dormitory as well as help you with the academic matters.
- Join interesting activities
Stundent Buddy will also arrange activities to build a stronger relationship between you and other international students.
Student Buddy is your friend! They will be there for you with a cup of tea accompanying you getting over your homesickness and help you during your study in Telkom University.
Pham Truc (Vietnam), “Among 6 universities in Indonesia that I know, only Telkom University has international buddy club (which helps international students). They did more than help, I would call …they do care about us. I do appreciate it very much! Everybody is friendly and humorous. I hope our IOSBC will become pioneer for other universities so that we can exchange and share information, experience. Let’s make IOSBC greater!”
Kim Heon Ah (Korea), ” I think buddy program is good. Because my Korea university also has buddy, and I work in there. It’s little bit hard to join and hangout with all international students, but some international students get help from Buddy”.