SPADA Awards Won by Telkom University
SPADA Awards Won by Telkom University. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology awards the Online Learning System (SPADA) to universities that play an active role in improving online learning.
From 3 (three) SPADA categories given by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology, namely: SPADA institutional support for online learning, SPADA best universities in the implementation of online learning, and SPADA teaching staff or lecturers with the best Learning Designs, Telkom University has won 3 awards in the three SPADA categories. This makes Telkom University the only university in Indonesia that won awards in all SPADA categories in 2021. In the SPADA category of teaching staff or lecturers with the best learning design, Telkom University’s D3 Telecommunication Engineering Lecturer Tri Nopiani Damayanti.
SPADA for Equitable Access
Info from the website spada.kemdikbud.go.id, SPADA is one of the programs of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to increase equitable access to quality learning in higher education. With its online learning system, SPADA Indonesia provides opportunities for students from one particular university to be able to take certain quality courses from other universities and their learning outcomes can be recognized by the college where the student is registered.
Rector of Telkom University, Prof. Dr. Adiwijaya said winning SPADA award is great news! He also said that the online learning system that Telkom University has implemented since 2018 is Tel-U’s commitment to continue to provide education that is accessible to all people in Indonesia. Then, with SPADA award, Tel-U will complete the digital resources excellence set to support and improve the quality of learning in Indonesia.
“Alhamdulillah and thank you for SPADA award dear Telkom University academics. SPADA is an encouragement for Telkom University in perfecting digital resources excellence to support and improve the quality of learning,” he explained.(IO)***