Scholarship program. As a university that is growing rapidly, Telkom University aims for excellent international reputation. That is why, we have welcomed international students from all over the world since 2010. To motivate more international students to join Telkom University degree and non-degree program, Telkom University offers scholarship program for international student.
Here is the scholarship that’s available in Telkom University for international students:
Telkom University Scholarship Program
Telkom University (Tel-U) presents Telkom University Scholarship Program for all of you who wants to challenge themselves to experience wonderful learning in Indonesia.
Tel-U is a leading university focusing on ICT and business that is located in Bandung, the capital city of West Java Province, Indonesia. Telkom University provides several degree programs covering engineering and business management. We are under the shelter of Telkom Group, the biggest telecommunication company in Indonesia, with its network of cooperation and internal synergy which has subsidiaries and branch offices throughout Indonesia, technological facilities, human resources and schools. Telkom University gives opportunities for students, researchers, staff, and even alumni to do research, internships and any other academic related program at Telkom Group.
For more info about this scholarship, kindly click this link: https://io.telkomuniversity.ac.id/telkom-university-scholarship-program/
Telkomcel Scholarship Program
Telkomcel X Telkom University Scholarship is a scholarship program in collaboration with Telkom University and Telkomcel specifically for Timor Leste citizens. Yes, you can be Telkom University’s students for free by passing this partial scholarship selection. This scholarship program is partial scholarship, for students who want to pursue Diploma and bachelor degree program. Scholarship for graduate program is not available for this type of scholarship.
For more info about this scholarship, kindly click this link: https://io.telkomuniversity.ac.id/telkomcel-telkom-scholarship/
KNB Scholarship Program
KNB Scholarship is Available at Telkom University. Good news everyone! Starting 2020, Telkom University is officially appointed by Ministry of Education and Culture to host Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) Scholarship.
KNB Scholarship is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to International students from developing countries to pursue their master degree in Indonesian Universities. It has been conducted since 1992 and has produced hundreds of graduates from all over the world.
Now, international students who want to get the opportunity to study master degree through KNB Scholarship, can choose Telkom University as their campus.
For more info about this scholarship, kindly click this link:
Darmasiswa Scholarship
“DARMASISWA” is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia), arts, music, culture and craft in 54 universities in Indonesia. This program was established in 1974 as part of ASEAN initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended further to other countries. Up to date, the number of countries participating in this program is more than 111 countries and organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), Republic of Indonesia.”, said Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D. as the Head, Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), Republic of Indonesia.
The DARMASISWA program was started in 1974 as part of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended to include students from other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and USA. In early 90’s, this program was extended further to include all countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia. Up to date, the number of countries participating in this program is more than 80 countries.
For more info about this scholarship, kindly click this link: https://io.telkomuniversity.ac.id/darmasiswa-program-telkom-university/