Robotics Class 2023, Joint Short Course TelU & UM
Robotics Program, Joint Short Course Telu & Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Telkom University School of Applied Sciences, Indonesia has collaborated with Universiti Malaya, Malaysia in implementing the 9th Joint Short Course in Robotics this year. Telkom University received 34 (thirty-four) students of Universiti Malaya Malaysia to conduct Robotics Class in September 10-14, 2023. During those dates in Robotics Class, Universiti Malaya students spent their time with various activities related to robotics class including sharing & discussion session and robotics competition.
Robotics Class Highlights
The 1st day of Robotics Class, Monday, September 11ᵗʰ 2023, Telkom University employed the welcoming ceremony of the Robotics Class, which was officially opened by Telkom University Vice Rector IV, Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti, M.T. This opening ceremony was also attended by the Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) of Universiti Malaya, the representative of Telkom University School of Applied Sciences, and Telkom University International Office Manager. The next agenda of the Robotics Class was getting knowledge from 3 brilliant lecturers, Mr. Simon Siregar, S.T., M.T., Ms. Marlindia Ike, S.T., M.T., and Ms. Rini Handayanu, S.T., M.T. and their fabulous laboratory assistants from Telkom University, School of Applied Sciences. Mr. Siregar and Ms. Ike explained the subjects on Coding Arduino and Coding robotics in Robotics Class. Then, 34 Universiti Malaya students were split up into 15 teams in Robotics Class. Each team had to create one robot that should be functioned and moved on the robot trajectory that had been prepared by the robotic team earlier.
Next on 2nd day of Robotics Class, Tuesday, September 12ᵗʰ, 2023, all 15 groups from Universiti Malaya students made the presentation and did the competition. The robotics competition was in full swing. On top of that, the competition went very smoothly and lively with enthusiastic applause from the participants and the lecturers as the judges, as well. On this robotics competition, Jonathan’s Team won the first place, Didikan Mas Cahya’s team won the second place, and Zass’s team won the third place. Congratulations! The three winners, then, got interesting gifts from Telkom University. Last but not least on 2nd day of Robotics Class, Assoc. Prof Dr. Suraya Hamid as the Deputy Dean (Student Affairs) and Ms. Rini Handayani, as a lecturer of Telkom University gave their closing speech toward the implementation of the Robotics Class 2023.
On the last day of Robotics Class, Wednesday September 13ᵗʰ, 2023, participants of Robotic Class had a chance to conduct a Company Visit to Agate at Summarecon Bandung. At Agate, students from Universiti Malaya were having their valuable time by listening to valuable knowledge on how to be a game developer and comprehending the ultimate hints and tricks guide on how to create a game developer company from the experts there.
There’s one famous quote said Ut est rerum omnium magister usus (“experience is the best teacher”). Hopefully, visiting agate is like learning and experiencing from one of the best teachers on one of the best journeys in Indonesia through Telkom University Robotics Class 2023.
Overall, the Robotics Class 2023 was successfully held by Telkom University and we’re particularly grateful to Universiti Malaya, Malaysia for the excellent cooperation and participation. Let’s join hands, let’s collaborate, and let’s thrive together to create the better future. See you!