Pre-Departure Orientation Outbound Mobility 2022
Pre-Departure Orientation for Selected Students of Outbound Mobility Program 2022. A good news for Telkom University, because as many as 19 students successfully passed the Outbound Mobility Program 2022 to several countries such as South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Netherland. Responding to this, Pre-Departure Orientation is needed to provide them with preliminary information about life in the destination country. The Pre-Departure Orientation contains pre-departure preparation and visa document checking.
Pre-Departure Orientation Session
Pre-Departure Orientation is a session providing information needed by the awardee. More than 25 participants attended the event.
Outbound Mobility Program is a student exchange program between Telkom University and partner universities that provides opportunities for selected students to study and gain experience in the destination country. Pre-Departure Orientation for Awardees is an important step before the departure.
The International Office organized a Pre-Departure Orientation for Selected Students of Outbound Mobility Program 2011 on Tuesday, 28 December 2021 at 2 p.m. through Zoom. Pre-Departure Orientation was divided into two sessions, the provision of departure preparation information by the Assistant Manager of International Services, Ms. Mefty and visa document checking by manager of the International office, Ms. Indah Fajarwati. This is the second pre-departure orientation we held this year.
Ms. Mefty opened Pre-Departure Orientation by conveying general information about the documents that must be brought to the destination country, documents related to financial claims, some information about different customs in each country. Pre-Departure Orientation is considered important because for some students, this chance is their first overseas trip.
Pre-Departure Orientation is also equipped with visa document checking. In Pre-Departure Orientation Mrs. Indah as a manager and also an experienced person in this matter gave a lot of input, and checked several important documents that had to be prepared by the awardees. Beautiful mother also conveyed several important things related to the COVID-19 quarantine.
The Pre-Departure Orientation event which was attended by19 awardee, and the international office leader and staff was fun, full of fresh ideas, and high enthusiasm. There will be more debriefing for other awardees and interesting events, keep updating our social media for more info!(IO)***