Online Joint Course by Telkom University
Online Joint Course by Telkom University.
What is it?
Online Joint Course is a new program organized by International Office of Telkom University with partner universities. This program was firstly initiated as the anticipation of home schooling due to the Covid 19 as the global pandemic. Similar to regular joint course, this program aimes to share information on certain topics by inviting the experts as the speakers. This online joint course is also a collaboration project with partner universities. Students will be charged FREE to join the Online Joint Course.
Who can apply?
This online joint course is OPEN for students from Telkom University and partner universities.
When can students join Online Joint Course?
Basically, host university will hold Online Joint Course based on agreement with partner universities. The followings are the schedule of Online Joint Course which are already approved by both universities.
- Online Joint Course Telkom University & Chitkara University
2. Online Joint Course Telkom University & UTHM
- “Requirements Engineering”, Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 at 10 AM (GMT+7)
- “Data Mining”, Wednesday, May 20th, 2020 at 10 AM (GMT+7)
What are the topics being discussed in Online Joint Course?
The followings are the topics delivered in the Online Joint Course.
- Telkom University & Chitkara University: “Automobile Industry in Asia”
- Telkom University & Chitkara University: “Telecommunications Industry in Asia-Pasific”
- Telkom University & Chitkara University: “Retail Industry in Asia”
- Telkom University & UTHM: “Requirements Engineering”
- Telkom University & UTHM: “Data Mining”
How can apply Online Joint Course?
- The applicant fills out online application form that will be announced ahead of the event.
- The applicant stay tune on the detailed information of the Joint Course that will be informed through email and whatsapp by the committee. Therefore the applicant must check email and whatsapp regularly
- Participant join Online Joint Course through Zoom link or Google Meet link sent by the committee. Participants are recommended to have zoom account and google account to easily access Online Joint Course.
What are the benefits to join Online Joint Course?
This program surely brings advantages for the students, including:
- Knowledge on the topics being discussed
- International online course experience
- E-certificate (IO)***