Merlijn Series 04: Librarian
Today(September 5, 2018) I had an interview with Librarian Miss Jeng Ayuningtyas (Ajeng), who has been working at the library for 5 years now, at the Open library at Telkom University. I asked for this interview because I wanted to get more knowledge of what the Library has to offer and what is was like working at one of the best Libraries in Indonesia.
I started the interview with asking if she liked her job and the work environment. Miss Ayeng responded with a quick Yes! She told me that being a librarian in this library is a very enjoyable job, possibly even the best job there is. Being a librarian nowadays is not only about where certain books are located but is has become more of a place where people can meet and discuss about anything. They can share their ideas and a lot of facilities are provided for them. The library is not like the other libraries where students have to be silent, feel free to discuss whatever you want as long as you do not bother other students.
When I asked about the facilities, I got to know that the Library has quite a lot. There are areas with computers where you can browse the web and search for articles you need or make reports. There are more than 15 discussion rooms for students to reserve so that they have a private room where they can study with their friends. Furthermore there is a mini theatre, in this theatre students of lecturers can give a presentation with the use of a beamer. The Telkom University Library also has a refreshment corner, students can come here to take a break from studying and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea and a snack. I have tried the coffee and it tastes pretty good. This corner is pretty unique in Indonesia.
Alongside the facilities the library also has several services. Like any other library, you can borrow books here. The library also has a journal for students to look up certain articles. Discussion rooms can be reserved online so you can reserve it from your own room and go there later. Students can also look up books on the computer and see where they can find it.
The library is home to roughly 124.000 books and about 1200 students visit the library each day. These however are not the sole reasons why this Library is so amazing. The library has a wonderful lively feeling and is more dynamic than others. This library is seen as a role model for others.
As a final question I asked if Miss Ajeng still has ideas to improve the library, and she does have a few to make the library even better than it already is. I want to thank her for her time and for giving me a little tour around the library. I will definitely go there again, and not just for a free cup of coffee.