Mastering Foreign Language to Go Global, Sharing Session with SMK Telkom Bandung
Mastering Foreign Language to Go Global, Sharing Session with SMK Telkom Bandung. Today (20/11), International Office of Telkom University in collaboration with SMK Telkom Bandung held a sharing session under the theme Mastering Foreign Language to Go Global. This event is an annual event held by SMK Telkom under the program of Skill Development Day which was attended by all students of class X and XI. Moreover, this activity is also a routine activity held by the International Office which is part of community service program involving Telkom University international students.
This event is the third time held by the International Office of Telkom University in collaboration with SMK Telkom where the previous episode of this event was held face-to-face but due to the covid-19 pandemic this activity should be held online. Even so, the enthusiasm of the participants who took part in this online sharing session was as good as when they attended face to face session. This was proven by the number of participants who participate in this event as many as 300 participants.
This event was attended by two international students, namely Saafir Aryobimo Wahid from USA and Hikmatullo Fatulloev from Tajikistan. Saafir shared that it is important to learn a foreign language because we can gain a lot of social skills and become a more competitive prospect for our future career. He said that when we master a foreign language, we will be able to communicate with majority of people, appreciate foreign cultures, improve our overall experiences, and contribute to society.
Meanwhile, Fatulloev or usually called Tima talked about tips and tricks to learn English easily. He said that by doing simple things such as watching movies with subtitles, re-writing the new words, travel around the city we are living in as well as practice with the native speakers can improve our English-speaking ability. In this event, many participants looked very enthusiastic and asked a lot of questions to the speaker about their difficulties in learning foreign languages and asked for solutions to their problems. By conducted this event, it is expected that it can enhance students’ knowledge about the importance of learning foreign languages to go global.(IO)***