Intercultural Business Communication
Intercultural Business Communication. Online Joint Class between Telkom University (Tel-U) and University Technology PETRONAS Malaysia (UTP) was organized by Telkom University International Office on Thursday, 4th March 2021 at 3 PM (GMT +7). The event was special because 5 resource persons share the material. They are Nurafni Rubiyanti, Ph.D. and Yuliani Rachma Putri, Ph.D. as a lecturer at Telkom University and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahrina Md. Nordin, Dr. Ena Bhattacharyya, and Mrs. Azelin Mohamed Noor, Lecturer at the University of Technology, PETRONAS. Those honorable guest lecturers will share topics on “Intercultural Business Communication and Negotiation Style”.
This online join class on the topic of Intercultural Business Communication and Negotiation Style hold was held today, on March 4th, 2021, and the intercultural business communication was attended by 101 international and national students from the two universities. All participants will receive an e-certificate after the session.
Dr. Ena Bhattacharyya discussed Intercultural Communication. She explained that Intercultural communication refers to the communication between people from two different cultures. Intercultural communication is a symbolic, interpretive, transactional, contextual process in which people from different cultures create shared meanings. she added that intercultural communication is important for business because it can be used for negotiations, problem-solving, wording with different cultures, partnerships, and sensitivity to other cultural practices of different communities in the digital era.
Dr. Shahrina Md. Nordin discussed Globalization. She explained that globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across borders. Principally, it is an economic concept-the integration of markets, trade, and investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products and services between nations. That is why we can not avoiding intercultural communication. The Digital Globalization Divide or Unite they are:
- The Internet has people connected
- Travel has brought alliances together
- The Creating Of Business Alliance
- Online: link our talk now
- Diversified word
Intercultural Communication Business and Negotiation Style
Yuliani Rachma Putri, Ph.D. discussed Business Communication Sub-Topic Intercultural negotiation; she explained that Cultural differences among negotiators are a constant in international business negotiations. She mentioned some example on how important it is the intercultural business communication. Understanding intercultural business communication can make someone ahead others in terms of negotiation and global networking.
Four elements of culture-behavior, attitudes, norms, and values influence such negotiations particularly concerning communication, the form and substance of transactions, and negotiating style. And she also explained the keys to effective communication during negotiations they are:
- Be a good listener when judging the content, not the delivery, do not over-react, Be flexible
- Resist distractions, Exercise the mind, Keep an open mind.
- Give and get definitions, do not assume, Ask Questions, Speak the same language, Stay turn in, Give feedback on the content, not the person.
Meanwhile, Nurafni Rubiyanti, Ph.D. discussed Negotiation style in intercultural business communication. She explained that a negotiation style is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. It is very useful when we practice intercultural communication business.
In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view. By negotiating, all involved parties try to avoid arguing but agree to reach some form of compromise. And he also explained that in the negotiation style 4 types must be well understood when negotiating with negotiators they are:
- Compete
- Collaborate
- Avoid
- Accommodate
The Intercultural Business Communication and Negotiation Style offers the ability to face across cultures, which is increasingly important, because being able to deal with these cultural differences peacefully, let alone creatively and innovatively, is a matter of survival for developing in a globalized world as a global leader. The intercultural business communication class went smoothly and fruitful.(IO)***