Highest Star Gained by School of Computing in UPM
Highest Star Gained by School of Computing in UPM. Highest star in Vietnam University Performance Metrics (UPM) ranking is 5 stars. This highest star means that the university has been internationally recognized and met the criteria of the top 1.000 world universities. Bachelor of Informatics, under the School of Computing, Telkom University won the best score in the Vietnam University Performance Metrics (UPM) ranking, which is 5 Stars (the highest star), with a total overall score of 781 out of highest score of 1.000, as reported on the official UPM website, namely https://upm.vn/program/23.
The main objective in ranking UPM is to benchmark the following five characteristics: Entrepreneurial Spirit, Innovative Approaches, Digital Transformation, Student Mobility, and Ethical Values. In the evaluation process, there are 52 indicators involving 8 categories. Based on the data reported from that page, Telkom University managed to get a score of 112 out of the highest score of 120 for the Strategic Alignment category; 194 out of the highest score of 300 for Teaching and Learning; 229 out of the highest score of 280 for Research and Innovation; 80 out of the highest score of 100 for the University Ecosystem; 29 out of the highest score of 60 for the Internationalization category; 58 out of the highest score of 60 for Community Services; and a highest score of 80 for the Strength Program.
Highest Performance
University Performance Metrics (UPM) is a rating agency initiated and developed by a research team from Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, led by Prof. Nguyen Huu Duc. The assessment was made to see the responsiveness of a university in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. For information, currently more than 50 universities from the ASEAN region and Taiwan have participated in this UPM ranking. The Telkom University score above can show that the Tel-U campus has high competitiveness in the international arena.
By obtaining this highest star in UPM ranking, School of Computing is in line with its vision, namely to become a world-class faculty that excels in education, research, and entrepreneurship in the fields of informatics and computers that are beneficial to society and play an active role in increasing the nation’s competitiveness in 2023. Besides Bachelor of Informatics, School of Computing offers other various study programs with almost all of them have been excellent accredited. School of Computing is also the 1st faculty which offers a full range of degrees including: Bachelor Program, Master Program, and Doctoral Program. Likewise, Bachelor of Informatics is also one of the study programs with the highest applicants.(IO)***