Four Stars in QS Stars University Ranking 2020 for Telkom University
Four Stars in QS Stars University Ranking 2020 for Telkom University. Towards the end of 2020, Telkom University made another achievement. Previously, about 2 months ago (09/2020), Telkom University through CeLOE, Telkom University’s Learning Management System managed to get 5 stars for the Online Learning category from QS Stars. This time, Telkom University managed to get 4 stars overall for the QS Stars Rating System at the QS University Rating 2020.
Previously, in 2017, Telkom University won the QS 3 Stars Overall, but this time thanks to the hard work and smart work of all parties at Telkom University, finally Telkom University proved that Telkom University is continuously committed to improving the quality of education by obtaining QS 4 Stars Overall in 2020 which is previously targeted in 2023.
This is of course a fantastic achievement for Telkom University where in 2020 we are all facing a global pandemic that has shaken the world of education and some institutions may have to let their targets down but not for Telkom University. In the midst of a global pandemic with a myriad of challenges in implementing Online Learning and Online Programs for several activities, Telkom University continues to strive to achieve the targets that have been set. Because we believe that where there is a problem there must be opportunity, where there is a will there is a way.
In QS Stars University Ranking 2020, Telkom University won 5 Stars in the fields of:
- Teaching
- Employability
- Academic Development
- Facilities
- Inclusiveness
- Program Strength: Bachelor of Informatics
- Online Learning
Also, Telkom University managed to achieve 4 Stars in the fields of:
- Internationalization, and
- Innovation
Of course there are those who ask why QS Stars are important as a measure of the quality of education of an institution. As cited in topuniversities.com, QS Stars is a ranking system that provides a detailed overview of an institution to identify which universities are best on specific topics such as program strengths, facilities, graduate employability, social responsibility, inclusiveness, and more. In the methodology used for QS Stars, universities are evaluated on multiple indicators across at least eight categories. After the assessment, the university is awarded an overall Star result which ranges from 0 to 5+ Stars, depending on the number of points achieved through the evaluation.
A very big thank to all TelUtizen who have continued to support Telkom University to reach 4 Overall Stars in QS Stars University Ranking 2020. It means that Telkom University guarantees the quality of education for students who are reaching their dreams by studying at Telkom University.(IO)***