Film Making Techniques and Storyboard, OJC TelU and UiTM
Film Making Techniques and Storyboard, OJC TelU and UiTM. The Online Joint Class (OJC) is again implemented this year. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is significantly decreasing, and the onsite program is starting to be implemented, the online joint class is still beneficial and should be continued to create more opportunities for the student mobility program. As we all know for sure, the online class does not reduce the benefits of the program, which was also interesting, applicable, and beneficial. This time, Telkom University, in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia (UiTM), held the OJC under the topic Film Making Techniques and Storyboard, which is an interesting topic especially for film art enthusiasts.
Film Making Technique and Storyboard is the topic of the second session of the Online Joint Class: A Collaborative Program between Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, which was held on April 10, 2023. As for the previous session (03/04/2023), the Online Joint Class (OJC) employed the topic of Visual and Look Development. Mr. Mario, M.Ds., the speaker for this OJC on Film Making Techniques and Storyboard, is one of the lecturers from the School of Creative Industries, Telkom University. Mr. Mario, M.Ds., explained a lot about some applicable techniques used in film making and storyboard to more than 20 students in the 2nd session of the OJC in Film Making Techniques and Storyboard. The frame was discussed in Film Making Techniques and Storyboard class. Mr. Mario said that deciding on a frame was not only about conveying stories but also about composition, rhythm, and perspective. According to Mr Mario’s presentation on the Film Making Techniques and Storyboard class, there are five kinds of frames in film making, including ultra-wide shot or extreme long shot, wide shot or long shot, medium shot, close-up, and extreme close-up.
Film Making Techniques and Storyboard Highlight
As previously mentioned above, Mr. Mario on the Film Making Techniques and Storyboard class share five kinds of frames in film making. First, Ultra-Wide Shot/Extreme Long Shot deals with shot that has wide scale, to tell and inform place and the upcoming location. Second, Wide Shot/Long Shot shows viewers the real picture from location, the content, and the correlation between the main character and all characters in the movie. Third, Medium Shot is used to show clearly what’s being done by the character, the reaction, or if there’s something that needs to be informed to the viewers. Fourth, Close-Up is used to inform something that is specific to the viewers, film maker should do a close-up to the character’s face, to show character’s expression when she/he speaks or communicates. Fifth, Extreme Close-Up, it is used to strengthen the emotional intensity at a very close range, which enables viewers to look very closely at the detail from specific parts of one character or object.
Another subject discussed in Film Making Techniques and Storyboard was about the storyboard itself. Storyboard is a series of illustrated panels containing a scene visualization of a scenario. The storyboard includes 3 kinds, which are:
- The conceptual Storyboard
The conceptual storyboard is used to develop basic visual ideas, such as acting or character acting, camera position, movement timing, and all transitions among scenes.
- The Presentation Storyboard
The Presentation Storyboard is used to show important scenes and made with detail in color and high-quality material.
- The Production Storyboard
The kind of this storyboard becomes the reference document for all people involved in the production process, pictures and information are made in detail and precisely. All information includes detailed description about motion, camera, setting, lightning, timing, transition, dialogue, voice over, music, and sfx.
The kind of this storyboard becomes the reference document for all people involved in the production process, pictures and information are made in detail and precisely. All information includes detailed description about motion, camera, setting, lightning, timing, transition, dialogue, voice over, music, and sfx.
The Online Joint Class under the topic “Film Making Techniques & Storyboard” with Mr. Mario, M.Ds. went attractively as he always followed up the students whether they had clear understanding on his presentation. In addition, he also showed an interesting sample of the storyboard.
In the future, hopefully the Online Joint Course event with various topics will be running as smoothly as this OJC on Film making and storyboard and will be attended by more participants. Last but not least, many grateful words to Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia, also to Mr. Mario, M.Ds. for the good cooperation in providing insight, understanding, and applicable and beneficial knowledge in the event of OJC Film Making and Storyboard in April 2023.