Farewell Darmasiswa Students 2019
Farewell Darmasiswa Students 2019. International Office of Telkom University organized online farewell activities for Darmasiswa students Academic Year 2019/2020 on Friday (3/7). It was attended by 7 participants of the scholarship program from Tunisia, Ukraine, and East Timor. After about 10 months, they took part in the scholarship program at Telkom University and finally they were able to complete the program well. In this occasion, the students also received a certificate of completion issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
During their activities at Telkom University, they learned the language and culture of Indonesia. In this activity, participants shared their impressions of joining Darmasiswa program at Telkom University. Anastasiia, a student from Ukraine, talked about her impressions of being and studying in Indonesia. She told that she was able to meet many friends and could live more independently.
Meanwhile, Khalil, a student from Tunisia told that he really liked Indonesian food and would miss it if he returned to his country. There is also a video showing their activities during the program at Telkom University. In addition to inviting Darmasiswa students, this activity also invited personal buddies from the International Office Student Buddy Club (IOSBC) who assisted the students during their study at Telkom University. With this activity, it is expected to provide good impressions and memories for the students.
Darmasiswa Scholarship Program itself is an Indonesian government scholarship program for 10-12 months to learn Indonesian language and culture. For the 2019-2020 Academic Year, Telkom University accepted 7 participants from the scholarship to study Indonesian culture and language. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, it is very likely that Darmasiswa Program cannot be held for the 2020-2021 Academic Year. The graduation program for students which was originally held in Jakarta must also be cancelled and replaced with online farewell held by each higher institution in Indonesia.(IO)***