Debriefing for Awardees, Pre-Departure Orientation
Debriefing for Awardees. A good news for Telkom University, because as many as 11 students successfully passed the IISMA Award program and 4 students also managed to get JD/DD programs to several countries. Responding to this, a debriefing for awardee is needed to provide them with preliminary information about life in the destination country. The debriefing awardees contains pre-departure preparation and academic workshop.
Debriefing is a session providing information needed by the awardee. More than 20 participants attending the debriefing.
Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) Scholarship is part of the implementation of Campus Merdeka program organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). While JD/DD (joint/dual/double degree programs) are collaborative academic degree programs providing integrated curriculum by two or more partner universities, to grow in popularity. Debriefing for Awardees is an important step before the departure.
International Office organized Pre-Departure Orientation & Academic Writing Workshop entitled “Debriefing for Awardees” on Sunday, 22 August 2021 at 9 a.m. through Zoom. Debriefing for Awardees was divided into two sessions, the provision of departure preparation information by the Assistant Manager of International Services, Ms. Mefty and a Workshop on Academic Writing by the Tel-U Lecturer, Ms. Ima Normalia.
Ms. Mefty opened Debriefing for Awardees by conveying general information about the documents that must be brought to the destination country, documents related to financial claims, some information about different customs in each country, to information related to COVID-19 policies in each country. Debriefing for Awardees is considered important because for some students, this chance is their first overseas trip.
Debriefing & Academic Workshop
Debriefing for Awardees is also equipped with Academic workshop. Generally, the academic writing is one of assignment from the lecturer and also one of the graduation’s requirements. Some of the students have received lecture material on academic writing, but some have not. Inviting Tel-U English Lecturer, Ms. Ima, the workshop was filled with high enthusiasm from the awardees even though this event took place on the weekend. Through this Debriefing for Awardees, Ms. Ima explained several important rules in academic writing such as the use of passive sentences, the use of appropriate punctuation, and the use of the contextual vocabulary.
Debriefing for Awardees event which was attended by IISMA awardee, JD/DD awardee, and the international office leader and staff was fun, full of fresh ideas, and high enthusiasm. There will be more debriefing for other awardees and interesting events, keep updating our social media for more info!(IO)***