Data Mining, Online Joint Course Telkom University & UTHM #4
Data Mining, Online Joint Course Telkom University & UTHM #4. At the end of the month of Ramadan, Telkom University continued to collaborate with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in hosting Online Joint Course under the topic “Data Mining”. It proved that the global pandemic and the holiday atmosphere to welcome Eid did not discourage academics practitioners from continuing to share knowledge with students, especially Telkom University students and UTHM students. On Wednesday, May 20th, 2020, the second Online Joint Course between Telkom University and UTHM ran well by being participated by hundreds of students.
Similar to previous Online Joint Course, in this ocasion, there were two invited speakers to share information on Data Mining. They were Dr. Nayef Abdulwahab Muhammed Alduais, a lecturer of UTHM, and Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo, S.Kom., M.Kom, a lecturer of Telkom University. In the first sesion, Dr. Nayef discussed about data mining concepts, Internet of Things (IoT), and data mining for IoT. Dr. Nayef highlighted data mining as a process of exploring and analyzing large set of information data to collect meaningful patterns and trends. There are two data mining methods and systems in IoT: onboard based and cloud-based. Dr. Nayef also discussed on how to minimize the error rate.
In the second session, Mr. Ichwanul talked about spatial data, spatial data mining, spatial data relation mining task, and spatial data mining task. Based on Mr. Ichwanul presentation, spatial data is data related to spatial description of the objects such as coordinates, areas, latitudes, perimeters, spatial relations (distance, topology, direction), etc. Spatial data mining is the process of discovering interesting, useful, non-trivial patterns from large spatial data sets.
For non engineering people, this topic might be hard to understand but not for the engineering one. The students, coming from engineering study program, found this topic interesting and surely brought new insight regarding data mining topic. Even the complicated formula, for them who love engineering stuff, is kind of engineering arts. Through those complicated formula they can result meaningful information.
By joining this kind of online joint course, students are expected to gain more knowledge and international online learning experiences. We do aware that learning engineering stuff through online meeting is challenging but in this situation to keep on track to what we interested in is much more important than do nothing untill the pandemy ends. Let’s continue learning, sharing , and caring each other. See you on next online joint course.(IO)***